Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Calling and taking up His cross

Have you heard God giving you a calling?

I did.

I got my calling last Friday. I guess its up to you to interpret whether its a calling. To me, im certain. After hearing the call, i was filled with unmeasurable and immense joy, that i was so close to tears- something i've never felt before. I really cant describe it. But of course, its my response that matters. And how i wanna ensure i respond is one thing. But i would love to thank God for this calling by the Lord. I thank God that God spoke to me, through a few things last week to change. To change so much i never would knew, thought, want. And then comes His call to me. Its not full time, its just something that He wants me to do.

Praise the Lord!!!

You have received yours. I guess i thank God that i was there to witness it. I see it as God's calling for you. Whether you interprete it as a calling from God, and your response, is up to you. To me its God's putting you a challenge right there to take up your cross and follow Him. Its your answer- to Him.

I dont want to make the same mistake as Jonah did. I did months worth of bible study on this book thrice. I did it for my 1st bible study when i started going church abit in pri 5. Im going to do it again.

I will

Take up my cross.


1. Consider Christ
The source of our salvation.
That he should take the penalty for me.
Though he was pure,
A lamb without a blemish;
He took my sins and nailed them to the tree.

My Lord and God
You are so rich in mercy
Mere words alone are not sufficient thanks.
So take my life,
Transform, renew and change me
That I might be a living sacrifice.

2. Consider Christ
That he should trust His father
In the garden of Gethsemane
Though full of dread
And fearful of the anguish;
He drank the cup that was reserved for me.


3. Consider Christ
For death He has defeated
And He arose, appeared for all to see.
And now He sits
At God's right hand in heaven;
Where He prepares a resting place for me.



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