Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its not about me, its about Him

I dont understand how ppl don't seem to apply cat and dog theology to their lives. I'm like, it exposes all my sins and is almost a whole total mindset change. I am still learning, but the mindset is totally different now. I learn how to focus on God in every thing I do. It just exposes my sin that ive been so selfish all this while without knowing it.Ive been living life like its about me and God. No. God did all He did for His own Glory. Theres no me/you/ppl in the equation. Theres no trying to put God in the equation. The equation is always God and then what should i do. How do i radiate His glory in whatever trials, whatever situation. Its all about Him and not about us. I'll explain with examples.

Elder and I was talking about success, like coming out winning in competitions/studies. Striving to be no1. It is not about striving to achieve success that we will glorify Him. In whatever results, we must glorify Him. He chooses to put us in different situations, like sometimes we win sometime we lose, but if God chooses us to win, its cause He thinks we can best show His glory through that and we should do so. Liikewise, if we lose, He chose that and we should still show forth His glory. You see, its not about us. Its always about Him!

Jesus came down to earth to die for our sins. Which is the most crucial? Jesus dieing for OUR SINS, or JESUS DIEING for our sins. You see Jesus did what He did to glorify God primarily. We are not the main subject. Its always for me.

To me, i find this hymn, O Rejoice In The Lord very comforting. But i realize this hymn is not wrong if we have the right focus. Is this hymn about ME and that God will have the best plan for ME, or is it a reminder that HE makes no mistakes/the reminder of HIS purpose for making us go through trials etc? Its about Him, not about us.

I dont know. I think it teaches me to make the right decisions. everything just becomes so much clearer. Put yourself out of the equation, or your self gain out of the equation. Then put in which way will I glorify God better. Its so much clearer! Once we realize we should not think for ourselves, we will know how to make decisions.

Eg, whether we should start relationships. 1st question we should ask ourselves is, is it because I want a r/s? For self gain of fulfilling our desires? Next question to ask. Will God be better glorified if you start one now or later? I realize if you dont think for yourself, dont seek to fulfill our own desires, alot of answers become clearer.

Luk 9:23 And He said to all, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

It gives a whole new meaning to denying self and taking up cross daily. Daily, in all the small decisions we make, thats when we also need to deny self.

I gues the speaker said something so impt. We are impt in God's eyes. Yes. But all of us have different roles. He used the eg of Job. Job went through all the trials, and ultimately he overcame them to show forth His glory. Then how abt his children? His children had s minor role of all dieing at the same time to make Job suffer. But its also to glorify Him. We can be just like them, just that small role! You can say its so scary, but its so true. Its not abt us, but abt Him. If we pass away young so that others can better glorify God, that may be our role for our lives! We can play any part in God's kingdom. Its because its abt Him, not us. He can make us fail in major exam, so that we can better glorify Him. Its all in His sovereign plan.

Self denial:
Rom 15:1 Then we who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
Rom 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good, to building up.
Rom 15:3 For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me."

Sorry i typed this really fast off my head. Hope its not too messy!

Kevin is back! Woots! Wanted to say this since sat! Had a good chat with Him last night. Woots. Shared with Him new convictions and our usual personal stuff! So happy to have someone like Kevin where we can encourage each other, correct each others mistakes with love, share about anything under the sun, its just so good. And i love 2 way sharing. I guess the thing thats been bothering me is that if i share alot to others i actually expect them to share alot to me. Likewise, i feel weird when ppl share alot to me but i think they dont know whats happening to me? I guess thats the cause of my distress with friends. Thats what i look for in close friends. 2 way sharing!

I told Kevin that actually i shouldnt be looking forward to this weekend. He agreed! Haha. He said actually i should be afraid! Hahaha.

I thank God that i stop thinking abt this issue anymore. Its a lie that i have totally overcame it. There was one instant where i see and was bothered again. But i am glad its changed now. Hopefully it will not even bother me at all in the future! I will continue realigning my focuses, as it doesnt happen overnight. Problems, especially one with ppl/the heart do not go away immediately. But i pray, more and more it wont. Today was abit stirred, just abit! :-p

Eccl 3 says, there is a time for everything.

Joshua harris says, the right thing at the wrong time is wrong! How much we love to compromise that huh.

Pray, pray till faith grows strong, And in your heart rings Heaven’s song; Till self shall die in pure desire, And every thought to Him aspire.

self shall die in pure desire for Him, and seek to give every thought to Him! How much i aspire to be able to do that now!

Pray, pray hymn

Pray, pray, when things go wrong,
And gloomy fears around you throng;
The loving God your voice will hear,
Look up to Him, He’s always near.


Pray, pray though your eyes grow dim,
Go with your troubles straight to Him;
Pray, pray, for God understands;
Have faith, leaving all in His dear hands.

Pray, pray, be calm and still,
Whatever comes must be His will;
His promises like buds unfold,
Naught that is good will He withhold.


Pray, pray till faith grows strong,
And in your heart rings Heaven’s song;
Till self shall die in pure desire,
And every thought to Him aspire.



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