Friday, July 11, 2008

His love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, softer than a sigh~

This song can't stop ringing in my head. But sad thing is, you check this lyrics online, you'll find that its my love rather than His love. Sad.

Anyway kinda thankful for the many books I am just lining up to read these days. Gotta plan time tor read them. I have so many now. Kenn decided to lend me a book from His place again. Haha. And 3 more books with me that im supposed to start reading? Haha. I should thank lydia and Kenn(yfc) for giving me another book to read too, for my super belated, but only present for the year?

Actually, you know its sad. No not that I only have 1 present this year. Its sad that so many r/s are just not present anymore. Was browsing facebook photos the past few days and i see so many photos of my old click going out and its just sad im no longer part of it. Sad that i no longer have friends who sortof care. I mean, somedo. Yea spirutual health. But many r/s are just not deep enough that ppl would bother about doing something for my birthday, not to mention spending time celebrating with me. How do you tell which are friends who are just superficial- those who just sends you well-wishes, thats who! Quite obvious right. If its your good friends. You'll bother to "cook" something up for them. If its not, what else. Just do the minimal, well wishes. Even present means you mean something to others right? Sorry i'm not down or anything. I just wanted to complain of this irritating thought in my head. I dont know, it just causes me to count the number of ppl who bothers about me thats all.

I guess it coincides with me counting how many good friends whom i considered that i've lost.

I guess i just needed that 1 friend to affirm that I mean something.

Sorry, sad thoughts! I have plenty. Don't worry. It'll go away in awhile. Just explain to me why these thoughts can actually happen/ is not true then maybe it WONT BOTHER ME AGAIN!


Blogger Joel / Rui said...

If i'm that one fren, well... you mean sumthing nick. :)

It's not easy keeping frenships and i just spoke about it in my blog interestingly enuf. I guess that's why you only go thru life finding very few close frens and many people u know.

:) tough as it is... be comforted to know that Your Reedemer, Savior and Friend is never failing and always there. He will never forsake you nor leave you... and for the mortals, we try our best.

12:49 pm  

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