Monday, July 23, 2007

Does anybody have heart brakes? No im not spelling wrongly. My heart is racing like mad cause i was chionging work and the many stuff that i had to do, but because of the environment and frustrations, i ended up being unable to slow my mind down cause it became frantic and messy. I cant think clearly. Talking helped, though i was talking frantically, and faster than normal. But soon, it started racing again. Tried to sleep. Worse. Wasted time, and the mind won't slow down. But while having dinner, it slowed down, but turned into a headache. A short post now, to clear my mind. Feeling better. Time to get some laughing remedy. :-p I am recommending, to you all too, go youtube, search for "whose line is it anyway", and get good laughs. Its still all my fav videos to tickle my funny bone, another recommendation by ben is "thank God you're here". Its longer in story mode, but still good. Heres my fav video for the day. I tell you, maybe i someone who laughs easily, but i really cant stop laughing watching this. Go here to enjoy. =)

I should remind myself, I guess for now, i need no assurance anymore. =D : >


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