Monday, May 28, 2007

Can you just say goodbye?

Why do people always never say goodbye when they leave? Do they like doing so? Its so irritating to me when ppl disappear and left without saying goodbye. I always make an extra effort to say goodbye to all my friends when i leave, because i myself know that its quite bad to not inform ppl that you're leaving. But i feel all the more irritated, when ppl do not say goodbye when they leave without a word. Can't you just say goodbye?

Sorry so random. :-p Been moody these days. Alot of things was bothering me, but hopefully things would be better now that its the hols and i have more time to rest with much less responsibilities. Will blog soon abt concert and 30hr famine.

Anyone wanna study with me? I so need to find someone to study with me.

One of the previous nights i suddenly wanna hear this old song again. Definitely one of my favorites. You know i bought this album for 2 songs only. This is one of them. Enjoy. =)

难以忘记初次见你 一双迷人的眼睛
在我脑海里 你的身影 挥散不去
真的有点透不过气 你的天真 我想珍惜
看到你受委屈 我会伤心
只怕我自己会爱上你 不敢让自己靠的太近
怕我没什么能够给你 爱你也需要很大的勇气
只怕我自己会爱上你 也许有天会情不自禁
想念只让自己苦了自己 爱上你是我情非得已
什么原因 我竟然又会遇见你
我真的真的不愿意 就这样陷入爱的陷阱


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